Darkest dungeon supply guide
Darkest dungeon supply guide

HWM w/ Open Vein, PBS, Wicked Slice and Pistol Shot DISMAS Plague Doctor w/ Blinding Gas, Noxious Gas, Plague Grenade and Cureĭouble Stun Plague + Hellion and one more on Houndmaster STUN TEAM which is good for DD3.Ĭrusader w/ Smite, Inspiring Cry and Holy Lance REYNALD Occultist w/ Stab, Artillery, Weakening Curse and Wyrd Hellion w/ Iron Swan, Adrenaline Boost and If It Bleeds Men-at-arms reply and shield the houndmaster, always a guard on ranks 2 & 3 vestal heals Houndmaster w/ Guard Dog, Cry Havoc, Whistle and Hound's Rush Man-at-Arms w/ Defender, Bolster and Rampart

darkest dungeon supply guide

This set is very good for optimized mobility and high DPS the two are primordials for DD1 Jester w/ Solo, Finale, Stab, Harvest (extreme mobility)

darkest dungeon supply guide

Occultist w/ Wyrd, Mark, Vulnerability, Stab (SUPPORT) Grave Robber w/ Shadow Fade, Lunge, Toxin Trickery (LUNGE) (extreme mobility) Here we will see the better set of skills to use for each class for each dungeon :

Darkest dungeon supply guide